Welcome to the Five Dock PS community!
I would like to extend a warm welcome to everyone that is a part of this vibrant and energetic community. At Five Dock PS, we are focused on building strong relationships with our community and working in partnership to improve each child’s learning and wellbeing. When schools and parents collaborate positively in a child’s learning, it gives children the confidence that everyone is supporting them to achieve their best.
I feel privileged to lead this community and am committed to the responsibility I have been given to create a culture of high expectations that incorporates the diversity and expertise of the wider school community in order to maximise the learning achievements of each student.
We are proud of the diverse and inclusive nature of our school, which includes a Support Unit with four classes and a Department Preschool with two classes. Our staff are committed to providing dynamic teaching and learning programs, with responsive support for each student. Additionally, teachers work collaboratively in teams to implement evidence-informed practices that encourage students to be active in their learning and take responsibility for their learning to support progress and achievement.
Five Dock PS seeks to provide varied extra-curricular activities to students in creative and physical domains through sport and art with opportunities that exist to participate in PSSA sport, gardening club, debating, public speaking, choir, dance and a school band. This supports the development of the whole child and contributes to improved confidence, wellbeing and sense of belonging.
An active and supportive P&C association works collaboratively alongside the school to create a learning community that supports the school’s vision and aspirations in order to contribute to its success. Our school strongly encourages all parents to become engaged in the education of their children to foster positive learning and wellbeing outcomes so that students’ social-emotional competencies increase and long-term outcomes improve.
I welcome the opportunity to talk with parents and members of our community. Please contact the school office to arrange an appointment.
Suzi Chosid