The Five Dock Public School Uniform Shop is operated by volunteers from the P&C Association. The Uniform Shop provides the school community with competitively priced, good quality uniforms that can be conveniently purchased on site, and online through the Qkr! App,
Online Ordering
Unforms can be purchased online through the Qkr! App. Orders are packed twice a week, on a Tuesday and Friday morning and delivered to the office, to be collected and handed out by teachers directly to students. Find more information about downloading the Qkr! App in the links below.
On-site Purchasing
The Uniform Shop is open once a fortnight on a Wednesday afternoon from 2:45pm-3:15pm. Payment by EFTPOS or CASH is available. Opening dates will be posted on the Uniform Shop door for each term. Please note that the Uniform Shop depends on volunteers being available, and therefore shop opening days may be subject to change.
Second Hand Uniform Items
Good quality second hand uniform items are available to be purchased during Uniform Shop opening hours. Items are $3 each.
We always welcome donations of second hand official uniform shop items in good condition including backpacks, book bags and hats. These can be delivered to the office.
PSSA Jersey Purchases
The purchase of PSSA Jerseys can be made through the uniform shop either online or during Uniform Shop opening hours. Please find more information about sizing for PSSA shirts in the links below.
Band Shirts
Band shirts can be purchased through the uniform shop on a pre-order basis. One order per year is placed for band shirts. Please feel free to contact the uniform shop if you would like to look at a band shirt.
Kindergarten Transition
The Uniform Shop holds a uniform stall at the first Kindergarten Transition day each year for Parents to view uniform items and sizes only. Orders can be made using the QKR! App, and we have included a link for the handy “how to guide” on QKR below. Kindergarten orders are packed and available for collection by Parents on the final Kindergarten Transition day.
Uniform Shop Price List and Order Form